DA version 1.22.2 Site-helper links


Verified User
Sep 26, 2003

I have changed the user_helper link in the directadmin.conf -

yet the link still points to www.site-helper.com. Any clues?

Neil :D
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You used:



Also, what skin are you using? Make sure the tokens have been added to the skin.

We are using the enhanced skin snd we overtyped the user_help to


Neil :D
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Yes, that should be fine. I guess you'll want to make sure you have the latest versions :)

You can run:

/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c

to spit out the current settings.. you should see your line there if DA is reading it in.

should it be in template conf or conf dir tho

as that cmd produces user_helper=www.site-helper.com

Neil :D

I congratulate you on a very well-done help site.

Are you considering making it available (in sourcecode form, or as a hosted app) to the rest of us, to save us the work?

Thanks for your comments. The only problem with it is that I dont link to each individual section from DA like site-helper does e.g. http://www.site-helper.com/email.html#pop3

I use DocBuilder from interactivetools.com. I then customised it with the content from the site-helper.com user site. I am more than happy to supply you with the content as it is. But it is not something I can support.

However, what would be better if DA supplied a bundled help file rather than linking out to the site-helper.com site.

Neil :D
netmotiv8 said:
Thanks for your comments. The only problem with it is that I dont link to each individual section from DA like site-helper does e.g. http://www.site-helper.com/email.html#pop3
Yes, but I don't want to have to write that from scratch; I'm awaiting DA doing it for the new skin.

In the meantime I like what you've done.
I use DocBuilder from interactivetools.com. I then customised it with the content from the site-helper.com user site. I am more than happy to supply you with the content as it is. But it is not something I can support.
I'm trying to understand their license. If I get your content from you will I have to purchase a license from them as well, to use it?

They write about private-branding/reselling, but yet they require a license for every domain, so I'm not sure what they mean by that. Are you?
However, what would be better if DA supplied a bundled help file rather than linking out to the site-helper.com site.
I don't care which they do it, but I'd like to see the site updated to the new skin.

The license works like this:

Yes, you have to purchase license for each domain.

The private label stuff only becomes applicable if you are using the software for an application for one of your clients etc and you want to give the impression that is your software not interactive's.

With regards the content I can just zip that up for you and sent it. Never done this before but dont think it will be much grief.

Re: Site-helper.com

With regards to the site-helper.com links. I agree it would be nice for it to be updated to with the enhanced skin. Also I would like to see the reseller and admin links remove from the User pages then maybe none of what I have done with DocBuilder would be be necessary. Maybe we should pursue DA with a revamp of site-helper.com ?

Neil :D

Which page are you using to test the link? I think the main user page was the 1 page that was missed for tokenizing with that setting.



To the top of the /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/enhanced/user/show_domain.html file. It's been fixed here, but isn't released yet.

all links to the help files point to site-helper.com none are point the the link we specified

Neil :D

Well then, you've got me thoroughly confused.

1) Make sure you are using the latest DA 1.22.2
2) Make sure you are using *our* skins that actually use the help link tokens (enhanced, power_user, default)
3) set it up in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf as:
(obviously, replace them to your own sites)
4) restart directadmin
5) check the settings:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin c

Go through all of that and let us know which isn't looking right. It might be a different skin (ie: not ours) which doesn't use the tokens.

Will work through that soon :D

I can confirm we are definitely running 1.22.2 and we are using the 'enhanced' skin (we only use the skins provided DA)

Neil :D
I got it working now. But unfortunately the links have the site-helper.com html file and bookmark tagged on the end of the link so users now get a page not found when viewing our pages (we are not interested in sending the user directly to a bookmark). We simply want the help link to take the user to http://www.netmotivated.co.uk/support/docs/DirectAdmin

not http://www.netmotivated......../DirectAdmin/apage.html#bookmark

I really dont want to customise the templates either. Is there an easy way around this?

To solve my overall problem it would be better if the user help pages where updated or had a version to reflected the enhanced skin on the site-helper.com site

Neil :D
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