Dabackup.com :- Directadmin Backup Plugin , incremental / compressed


Verified User
Oct 24, 2010
About Dabackup:
Dabackup is a directadmin backup plugin . This plugin can take both compressed and incremental backups to a local storage location or to a remote storage location via ssh. This plugin will support seven days backup retention . Dabackup plugin is a full directadmin compatible backup plugin. So these backups can restore in any directadmin server with/without the help of dabackup tools.

Some Features:

Please see some of the main features below,

Directadmin Compatible Backups:Dabackup is a directadmin compatible backup plugin. You can use the backups to restore in any directadmin server using the directadmin built-in tools or dabackup tools.
Support Local And Remote Storage:Dabackup can store in your local disk or remote disk. For remote storage , you only need a storage ssh account.
Daily, Weekly And Monthly Backups:Dabackup can take daily , weekly and monthly backups.
7 Days Backup Retention:Dabackup will support 7 days backup retention. So your backups will be protected by 7 days backups.
Compressed And Incremental Backups:Dabackup can be configured as compressed or incremental backup. Compressed backups will save disk space which incremental backups will reduce server loads during backup time.
24x7 Support:We provide 24x7 technical support for Dabackup plugin.

FAQ : Click Here
Documentation : Click Here

Screen Shot : Click Here

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You can Test it with a testing key
Anyone who used can please comment about it? It is useful? Better than DA built-in backup system?
Anyone who used can please comment about it? It is useful? Better than DA built-in backup system?

It use the da builtin functionality for both compressed and incremental backups. So these backups can restore in any directadmin server without the help of this backup plugin.
Hello, I'd interested in this plugin but I have some questions.

Why account have to be deleted before restoring?
Do you plan to add any cp interface to restore indivifual files by users themselves in incremental backups from different snapshots?

Because thats how the directadmin backup and restore works. It completely overwrites everything. You can unzip the backup on your computer and upload just the data you want if you dont want to restore the user in full.
Hello, I'd interested in this plugin but I have some questions.

Why account have to be deleted before restoring?
Do you plan to add any cp interface to restore indivifual files by users themselves in incremental backups from different snapshots?


You need to take a current backup and delete the account before restoring the bakcup, it is for safety . regarding the feature , you can post on the feature request forum listed on http://forum.syslint.com
You need to take a current backup and delete the account before restoring the bakcup, it is for safety
Do you mean you suggest deleting the account, or that your software requires it? Many of us would want to keep our site, and just merge the backup, for lots of reasons.

if you only need to restore some files or databases , then you can copy it from the backup files. If you simply merge files , then you will have a mix of old and dead files along with new files. This plugin won't restore a backup , if the same account name already exist in the server . It is for safety .
Okay, your software won't allow it. Bad idea in my opinion, BTW. For lots of reasons. A warning would be a better way to go.

But can I use a backup created by your software, with the DirectAdmin Admin Backup/Transfer feature, to restore over an already existing site?

We are just testing Dabackup, but it does not rsync user's email mesages. For us it rsyncing user's home folder without IMAP folder which contain all user's emails inside.
We are just testing Dabackup, but it does not rsync user's email messages. For us it rsyncing user's home folder without IMAP folder which contain all user's emails inside.

It will rsync everything under the users home folder. If you have a user named foo with home folder /home/foo , then it will sync everything under this folder . All other sql backups and directadmin setting will be inside a small tar.gz file with the same format as a directadmin backup.
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Okay, your software won't allow it. Bad idea in my opinion, BTW. For lots of reasons. A warning would be a better way to go.

But can I use a backup created by your software, with the DirectAdmin Admin Backup/Transfer feature, to restore over an already existing site?


I don't think it is a bad idea. It is the safest idea to take the current backup of an account to a secured location , then restore it from the backup and test it. If you are not doing this way how you restore a directadmin ? That is the best procedure for restoring a backup without data lose.
Also you can use this backup to restore it from the directadmin without using this plugin. The "restore over" , will simply remove it and restore .
Hi, I am sorry for misunderstanding. You are right, emails for user foo are rsynced with user's home folder. But we have all these email also in large .tar.gz file with other user's setting and mysql dump - so all emails are backed up twice. Also MySQL dump is on remote backup server in mysql_db folder but it is also compressed in each user's .tar.gz file. So it is not small .tar.gz file at all :( How can we prevent emails and mysql dump to be backed up in .tar.gz files? Thank you very much. We really like your plugin, so hope this will be solved and we will be able to use it on all our DA servers in DC.
Hi, I am sorry for misunderstanding. You are right, emails for user foo are rsynced with user's home folder. But we have all these email also in large .tar.gz file with other user's setting and mysql dump - so all emails are backed up twice. Also MySQL dump is on remote backup server in mysql_db folder but it is also compressed in each user's .tar.gz file. So it is not small .tar.gz file at all :( How can we prevent emails and mysql dump to be backed up in .tar.gz files? Thank you very much. We really like your plugin, so hope this will be solved and we will be able to use it on all our DA servers in DC.

Thank you for your suggestion . Can you send a feature request on http://forum.syslint.com/ ?
Is it common that Dabackup plugin makes always backup of all email messages and all mysql dumps two times on remote backup server?! Or is it just some error? Thank you.
If you enabled the option for taking all mysql backups ( folder ) , then it will take a separate backup of all mysql databases . At the same time each account have its own mysql backup too. You can disable the mysql folder backup option to exclude the whole mysql server backup process. regarding the email backups, it looks like the directadmin backup option without home folder is taking the backup of emails too .
Can you exclude mysql dump and emails from .tar.gz backups made by Dabackup plugin? I think the best way is to have mysql dumps separated in seperate folder as your plugin do that and have emails rsynced with user home folder. We do not want to have mysqldb dumps and emails in .tar.gz backups - there should be only configuration files for user accounts to keep these files small and reduce server load.
Dabackup version 1.1 released

Dabackup version 1.1 is available for update / new installations

There was a bug fix in this version .

Bug fix: Directadmin use two files for storing mysql admin details under the configuration folder ( my.cnf and mysql.conf ) . The my.cnf was a cache of real mysql.conf . So Directadmin suggest to use mysql.conf instead of my.cnf for taking backups. Dabackup version 1.0 was only using my.cnf . So this cache file some times make issues with mysql backups. We fixed this issue and updated to new version 1.1.

To do an upgrade to latest version , please execute the following scripts


For new installations , please download version 1.1 and install it .
I don't think it is a bad idea. It is the safest idea to take the current backup of an account to a secured location , then restore it from the backup and test it.
It's okay for us to differ. It really is.

1) Sometimes people want a mixture of old and new files

2) If I recall correctly, the main reason DirectAdmin wrote their backup feature was that the System Backup feature didn't automate restoration.

3) I prefer software that allows me to do what I want, without limitation.

However, as I wrote above, it's okay for us to differ :).
