Ittp - DAHeb

New member
Oct 18, 2004
My name is Shay and i had an idea to open an official translation project to your great system, DA.

The project name will be DAHeb and we will support people that use this system and translation, we will also suplly modifications and skins to the hebrew version.

The languege Files Will bo soled to those people who have your licence.

The Project Will be part of the Ittp Project (Israeli Translation Team Project).
and will be translated by the best of the best.

For more information, please contact me at :
Mail : [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
Icq : 994412
Msn : [email protected]

Best regards,
Shay. :)
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Shay - I'm not sure what you're waiting for?

If it's a skin you'll be selling you don't need to wait for anyone to tell you it's ok to do it.

If you need to contact DA direct then generally you'll get a faster response from their email address (link at bottom of the page)

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by official.

I would personally say..

1. Produce it and launch it

2. Get it as close to perfect as is possible through interaction with forum members and end customers that use it

3. See what happens after that

If it's good enough then no-one else will feel the need to do one (especially in Hebrew - I don't reckon there will be so much competition for you anyway)

Depending on price, quality, commitment to keep the package up to date and of course customer service - we'd be interested in purchasing.

Installatron (www.installatron.com) is a good example of commitment to keep a 3rd party DA related product going - and of course our own eCust system which was developed years ago and just recently the plugin designed and integrated into DA.

Neither carry the Title 'official' but carry copyright.


how much you want to pay for a translation? why ppl should give u the translated file, and you sell it?

so far i've seen only plesk charging translation, which is one of the reason i don't use it.

translation is a very simple work, it's nothing related to technical, this is *not* the same as installatron.com, they did spend a lot time to implement free softwares at least.

anyone willing to spend 24 to 48 hours can do a full translation of DA already (i've done it for DA older skins, you know it's easy).

BUT, if you can produce a super nice skin and provide multi-language support on it, i think this is sth you can sell and you will sell better.
true enough - I haven't got involved with producing language skins so I guess it's the great unknown for me - BUT like installatron and any other skin or plugin that people pay for there has to be a commitment to keep it up to date - thats my point.

I've uploaded a few skins in the past whose developres have just decided to stop.

Most updates to DA include a skins adjustment - the skins need to be updated as DA is updated which I see as quite a commitment and discipline.

Heres an example (lets take Hebrew as the language) - I get a Hebrew labguage pack/skin in - then I decide that it opens up a big market in Israel and Hebrew speakers worldwide. Then 6 months down the line - whoever designed the stuff decides they've had enough and are off travelling for a few years leaving me with an old product, a market that I have invested to get into but suddenly it's out of date and I can't deliver.

Thats my concern - I am not however Shay saying you will do this - but I have to think of the risks ahead.

And also I would prefer free but around $50 a year would be ok.

