DAOC - All your DirectAdmin servers and clients in a single web interface


Verified User
Sep 8, 2014
Hello everybody

My name is Martin and I would like to introduce a project I have been working on for the last 4 months.

DAOC = DA Operations Center

It’s called ”DAOC” which I unfortunately found out also is the name of a very popular game. I’m not much of a gamer myself so I have totally missed this when naming my product. In my case, ”DAOC” is not short for dark age of camelot, instead it’s short for ”DA Operations Center”.

Project tagline

”All your DirectAdmin servers and clients in a single web interface”

What is it for?

It’s a web application written in PHP / MySQL that acts like a “hub” between users, resellers, administrators and hosting packages on DirectAdmin powered servers.

The main idea behind DAOC is to centralize management of all things done by DirectAdmin. By centralizing administration of all the things DA can do, you can save a lot of precious time - especially if you operate two servers or more. Time that can be better spent on marketing, product development and customer care. Hence the name “DA Operations Center”. This is where all DirectAdmin operations takes place.

DAOC is a very young project. It’s first public release was in August 2014 after roughly 3 months development. Like any other software I would certainly expect a few kinks that needs to be worked out before it can be considered “well-proven”. But our initial testing of the web application looks promising.

DAOC can at this moment do a lot of things but not everything. With that being said, there’s still quite a few features that I would like to see being added to it in the near future. The goal is to get DAOC to a level where it is a reasonable alternative to the standard DirectAdmin web interface for all specific actions. As of today, there’s still quite a few things that DirectAdmin can do that DAOC cannot. I will keep working on that.

So… This is a WHMCS competitor?

Yes and no. Many of the features found in WHMCS also exists inside DAOC. With that being said, there’s a few key differences in between them.

First and foremost, DAOC is a 100% connected to DirectAdmin. It will never work with anything else but DirectAdmin. DAOC is also aimed to be more of a “swiss army knife” when it comes to administration. The goal is to make the DirectAdmin web interface 100% replaceable with DAOC only. DAOC can do a lot of things already, but somewhere down the line I hope to make it possible to never let users log straight into DirectAdmin, but instead use DAOC for all actions inside the system. Essentially DirectAdmin would become a huge API that you work with via DAOC.

More information

If you want more information on this project you can checkout the following links:

YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/daocapp
Contains several 1080p videos that shows some of the features available in DAOC.

Issue tracker - https://www.daocapp.com/issue-tracker/
Contains all reported bugs / feature requests. This way you can keep track of development.

Online documentation - https://www.daocapp.com/documentation/
This is a work in progress - but there’s already some good stuff in there.

The website - https://www.daocapp.com/
Anything else would be available at this URL

I’d love to answer any questions you might have about it. The fastest way to get in touch with me is via email (contact form on website). You can also ask here at the DA forums, but answers might take longer.

Have a great day
If you want more information on this project you can checkout the following links:

YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/daocapp
Contains several 1080p videos that shows some of the features available in DAOC.

Issue tracker - https://www.daocapp.com/issue-tracker/
Contains all reported bugs / feature requests. This way you can keep track of development.

Online documentation - https://www.daocapp.com/documentation/
This is a work in progress - but there’s already some good stuff in there.
Your YouTube videos are professional and comprehensive, but how about a new video Overview. Not just features, but a combination introduction and feature discussion.

Can you give us something we can use to look at and help us decide whether we like this enough to consider it vs (for example) WHMCS, which has been around for some time, and in which (speaking for my company) we've already invested a lot of both money and work?


WHMCS has a horrible foundation. Lots of smaller projects like Blesta and ClientExec have improved a lot lately, but it took them years because building a hosting management platform is hard... It's going to be difficult to compete if you're alone to work on this.

Here are the key areas which need to be stellar
  • Domain ordering and management needs to be as good as using Logicboxes. All billing platforms suck at contact management)
  • Billing needs to take care of all the various legal requirements of many different countries (currencies, taxes,proforma, rounding, etc.)
  • You need to write all the basic plugins yourself in order to generate enough interest for others to do the same for their services
  • You need import scripts because nobody is eager to migrate to a new system if they can't have access to all their data
  • You need to attract developers to your marketplace
  • You need to be able to provide solid support 24/7 (bug fixing, solving issues)
  • You need a clear roadmap and not be a lunatic (hello Hostbill) ;)

Maybe you took the wrong approach with this and should focus on selling an awesome DA plugins for Blesta which has over 99% open code?
Where do you see that? I see 'website unavailable' and a closed youtube channel.

it seems all the links are now gone and the way I understand it is a project abandoned? so if the author doesnt have any future plans for this, why let it go to waste? why not donate it to the DA forum members, then perhaps it could be a community project.
some seemed very pleased to see this type of administrative control , not me but there are many Very Talented Members here, maybe they would adopt it...
Sad to see this project never went somewhere. Any possiblity to make the source available to the comunity / Directadmin?