database information_schema


Verified User
Mar 14, 2006
At every databaseaccount I have, there's a database called 'information_schema' and 'test', and a database created by myself.

I don't really care about the 'test' database, but the 'information_schema' might be something I'd rather have removed. Is this possible? What's it doing there anyway?
Who created it? Only the test database should exist in a new installation. (With the exlusion of the mysql database)
It was created with the admin account (reseller level -> add user), then I just hit 'login as this user' and go to mysql administration and add a new database.
Why delete it is it taking too much space from you? LOL it prob uses .00000000001bytes
I was commenting on how to keep your users from being confused, not why it exists or if there is any harm in deleting it.

I know mytop at least used to connect to the test database when run. In doing some research just now that may have been fixed. But I am still not sure. mytop may still require it unless you specify another default database for it to connect to.