Database Naming problem : Line command access


Verified User
May 9, 2005
hi all..

I have to work on a large (500 MB) sql import file, and need mostly to import it in mysql (hardest is there), we have tested security and speed on local "identical structure" servers. This database needs to be accessible online to our clients pretty soon.

I've done the following command :
mysql -u xxxxxx_data -p xxxxxx_data < /home/xxxx.sql

My problem is that it gives me following error :
ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 21: Access denied for user 'xxxxxx_data'@'localhost' to database 'xxxxxxdata'

As you can see database name has lost the underscore used in mysql naming...

How do i solve this... ???
I have checked and i have correct login and passwords, i can execute commands directly on mysql... Yet i don't know how to point on the correct database...

Thks for your help
I'm guessing that the database is just specified wrong in the .sql file... Have a look and see if you've got:

USE xxxxxxdata

without the underscore. Alternately, the error message could just be wrong and it's a permissions problem or something...
You haven't specified the database that you want to restore to, give that a try.
Make sure the database exists and can be accessed with that username and password first.

Here is an example
mysql -u da_admin -p 1234 [b]Customers[/b] < custback.sql
ballyn said:
I'm guessing that the database is just specified wrong in the .sql file... Have a look and see if you've got:

USE xxxxxxdata

without the underscore. Alternately, the error message could just be wrong and it's a permissions problem or something...

Tjhks a lot, i had indeed received the file containing wrong parameters and queries... It contained a darn create database (already created), with no rights for the user to create the database...
The person had just forgotten to tell this to me, and i didn't want to open that 500 Mg file in an editor as it would crash my system (an old thing that works around for what i need, but mustn't ask too much on large file)...

I managed to get around this, and now database is up and smoothly running (wooohoooo). And i get still amazed in size management mysql can support...

Thks for your help....