Hi all - i hope someone can help.
all of my sites that use Mysql and php keep stopping with the following error: server is currently unavailable, Web Team
I emailed my server tech support - their reply is below.
I need real help asap - all my db sites have been up and down like yoyos today.
From Verio Enterprise suport
I've tracked this down to this piece of code:
if ($xxServOpen($linkdbas,$hostname,$username,$password) == false){
die('<h3>Sorry, The server is currently unavailable.<br><br>Web
Which is part of the directadmin. Basically directadmin cannot access the mysql database that it stores all this in and then throws up the error. It's all internal to the box, it's not going off for anything so it appears to be a misconfiguration in directadmin.
I notice that it's started 111 mysql processes which is probably a problem, you certainly shouldn't need anywhere near that many, and this may be related to database connectivity issues.
Nb server is IBM 306 with 512mb ram - am adding another gig asap
Thanks in advance
Dave Silvera
all of my sites that use Mysql and php keep stopping with the following error: server is currently unavailable, Web Team
I emailed my server tech support - their reply is below.
I need real help asap - all my db sites have been up and down like yoyos today.
From Verio Enterprise suport
I've tracked this down to this piece of code:
if ($xxServOpen($linkdbas,$hostname,$username,$password) == false){
die('<h3>Sorry, The server is currently unavailable.<br><br>Web
Which is part of the directadmin. Basically directadmin cannot access the mysql database that it stores all this in and then throws up the error. It's all internal to the box, it's not going off for anything so it appears to be a misconfiguration in directadmin.
I notice that it's started 111 mysql processes which is probably a problem, you certainly shouldn't need anywhere near that many, and this may be related to database connectivity issues.
Nb server is IBM 306 with 512mb ram - am adding another gig asap
Thanks in advance
Dave Silvera