Dataskq 100% on user restore.

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
Is this feature taken out again?
It says default value is 19 and no changes are require, but I can't find this one in directadmin.conf.

Problem is dat we have a user and I'm trying to restore a 1,9 backup file (DA userbackup) for him.
As soon as I do that, dataskq is taking up 100% and server is running very slow.

What can be done about that?
I had a user restore lately from 18 GB and that only took about half an hour.

This user with 1,9 gig isn't even ready within the our and dataskq is taking up all cpu time.

How can I fix this so the restore won't that that much cpu time?
Server is a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz.
4 GB of memory.
8 GB swap.
If is not present it take the standard, if you wanna change the standard just add that line with different value in your directadmin.conf and restart it.

Also, i use to do restores during the night if arent urgent tasks, otherwise, i just be patient, and honestly my server is far faster so dont use to make everything slower.

For check when and why load goes so high maybe you should think to run dataskq in debug mode and analyze what take so much time, also, you should try to unzip the file manually in a temp folder for check if the .tar.gz isnt corrupted or something.

Thank you Selleron for the quick answer.
So it doesn't matter, even if the setting isn't present, the defaul is used, that is ok.

I will try to do the restore on another faster server later tonight, see how that works.
It might indeed be the problem is caused by the big backup file and slower server with only 4 gig memory.