In general I have been doing in place upgrades with Debian, problems can happen, after the upgrade make sure DA/custombuild is updated for your new version of your OS and have custombuild rebuild everything to make sure everything is compiled against the new libraries just in case. If you have never done it before, it would be a good idea to setup a test environment and do it a bunch of times. (If you don't have an extra license just get a personal one to test with for a month.) And always have a full backup done before on any production system before upgrades in case you need to restore/roll back. In general I can do an in place upgrade in just over an hour on most servers (I like to be careful and not overly hurry, spend lots more time after just checking things), usually do upgrades early Sunday mornings 3am-ish on production servers when most of my customers are probably sleeping, gives lots of time to check things when your done, and fix any issues that may happen.
For myself I have a daily full system backup images done daily, I keep at least the last 3 days or more, daily DA admin backups of all users, and on all important servers de-duplicated file system backups of all important system areas (/etc, /usr/local/directadmin, /home, /var/log i know silly but i do it in case something happens, and a few more I can't think of right this second), every 6 hours with a retention of 30 days or more, yes all this takes up a lot of storage on multiple backup servers. Can never be too careful with your data and your customers data.
Depending on how old your install is and which version your upgrading to, you may need to run this after the upgrade: