Debian install on Etch, a simple howto


New member
May 9, 2008
I just installed DA successfully on a new Debian OpenVZ vps and here were the steps taken. Make sure the server has at least 256 megs of RAM for the install. With less it will succeed but will be flawed in many ways:

First, update Debian to the latest version:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Next, install some needed tools for the install:
apt-get install gcc g++ make

Because, its OpenVZ, I also enabled quota's on the server and rebooted.

wget the latest from DirectAdmin's site

edit the script to REMOVE all references of --no-check-certificate. Just replace it with a space.

run the script

Set the ethernet adapter to venet0:0 instead of eth0 (if on OpenVZ).

Choose apache option 2, custom build.
Choose default (apache 2.2 + php5) (you can change it later)

Enable spamassassin if you like:

set admin password:
passwd admin

reboot and login. Enjoy!
It will see venet0 devices soon and you won't need to change that WGET line with --no-check-certificate option too :)
You don't need to reboot VPS (unless you want to boot a new kernel).