Debian release date & HA support


New member
Feb 27, 2005
How long before the first debian release is production ready ?

And we're looking into setting up our servers in a HA setup.
But for this to work, our web/mail/sql servers wil have a local IP and the loadbalancers would have the external IP's.

Would this be possible with DA ?
Is there anyone here running HA with DA as webpanel, and would they like to comment on this ?

If this isn't in the right forum please move it to the correct one.

Thank you
How long before the first debian release is production ready ?

No date has been given. I have gotten it working properly on Debian 3.0 with only a few bugs in DirectAdmin itself. The hardest part was installation and requires a bit of tweaking to get it setup properly.

But for this to work, our web/mail/sql servers wil have a local IP and the loadbalancers would have the external IP's.

You may run into some trouble here. The server DA is running on MUST run on the external IP address otherwise the licensing system will not work (i.e. No internal IP addresses, period)
As long as the main server IP is external you might still be able to do this.
I don't have any servers in an HA (?) setup, so I'm afraid I can't be much help in this department.
Re: Re: Debian release date & HA support

I don't have any servers in an HA (?) setup.

High Availability setup
This is nog exactly what I mean but it will maybe give a better picture ,

Is there no one here who has a 3 tier setup running ?
Or knows if it is possible with directadmin ?