Default DA public_html permissions


Verified User
Jul 12, 2007
I'm hitting a problem where DA is setting all user's public_html folder permissions to 750, user is the customer's username and group apache. When a client FTP's in they can upload files, but the page won't display. The only way I can get this to work is by setting the folder and all files underneath to 755.

How do I get DA to use 755 by default on the public_html (and the other *_html) directories? I've looked but can't find the answer.

I'm using Debian Etch if it helps.

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Thanks! That looks right. Quick question though...

From that link:

Note setting this option to 0 is less secure as 755 means that anyone on the system can look into the public_html files.  However, it will enable cgi files to run from the public_html directory more easily and be more "friendly" for 3rd party scripts.

If I don't set it to 755, NOTHING displays. Not just no cgi, but no html either. Does this make any sense? The last "x" has to be there to serve up html files, and always had for my Debian servers. I've always wondered about this.
My HTML files are owned by username:username and chmodded to 644, directories are 755, and everything seems to work fine. Only CGI files on my system need 755 permission. However, I'm running CentOS, so that might make a difference. I'm not sure.
How do you make those non-standard permissions, 644 for files? I presume you don't do it manually when you create a new user. Do you leave it up to the user to set his own file permissions correctly?

EDIT: Whoops, yes, the user's files are owned by username:username also. My bad.

EDIT2: I seem to find references to DA setting uploaded files to 644 by default, so I think I answered my own question there:

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