Default Directory for new users


Verified User
Aug 9, 2003
Melbourne, Florida
Is there someway to setup a default public_html folder that would automatically be used when creating new user accounts? I am looking for something similar to CPanel's skeleton directory?

Thanks for the help. What about if I wanted to place a specific cgi script in all new users. Is there a way to do this?

I have the same question about the default index.html. Where is that maintained?

Can you tell this is my first attempt at a dedicated server?


We have *brand* new feature, just released where a Reseller can create:


and fill the default directory with anything they want in their users' homepage.

The index.html file will be tokenized with the basic info (more info can be found at: )

If you want to add a cgi for all users, you would just create:


Just make sure that everything is world readable.

DirectAdmin Support said:

We have *brand* new feature, just released where a Reseller can create:


and fill the default directory with anything they want in their users' homepage.

This is nice, but it's only marginally useful as it does not allow one to populate anything outside the user's public document root. If I want to automatically setup a private includes folder to hold important configuration settings with passwords etc that lies outside of public_html, I have to go in and do it manually.

There are numerous custom scripts you can create to automate what you're looking for.

1) /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/
Run after a user is created. $username and $domain variables allow you to setup whatever you want.

2) /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/
Same thing.. same variables, but run for each new domain (is run during user creation, so this is preferred if you are doing per-domain setups, eg, private_html).

There is quite a large number of custom scripts you can play with, and each has a decent set of variables that are passed to them.
For the basics, see the "README" file in the "custom" directory, or see for a bigger list of newer custom scripts you can use.

The scripts you list are only available to server admins and not to resellers, correct?
It would be nice if resellers had some way to do something similar for users they create.
Alternately, maybe copy the default folder a (few?) levels higher than 'public_html' to allow more flexability.
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