I have setup a second DA server running centos 5.1, which is svrname.domain.com and all messages, the server is sending mails to [email protected], is there anywhere i can change this so it defaults to [email protected], possibly some sort of send mail or forwarder setup...
I looked in DA control panel, but as i dont have a domain assigned to the server i cant setup a forwarder at the moment...
I will also be linking this server to the first DA machine, i have 2 others which i will be leaving unlinked for the moment.
I have setup a second DA server running centos 5.1, which is svrname.domain.com and all messages, the server is sending mails to [email protected], is there anywhere i can change this so it defaults to [email protected], possibly some sort of send mail or forwarder setup...
I looked in DA control panel, but as i dont have a domain assigned to the server i cant setup a forwarder at the moment...
I will also be linking this server to the first DA machine, i have 2 others which i will be leaving unlinked for the moment.