delete log files

Generally you can just delete them.

However, log files should be managed automatically by your server.

Which log files would you like to delete?

Additionally, the service might need to be restarted to get logging going again if the file was completely deleted. Exim is one example.
Thanks for the replies.
I want to delete the apache logs.
And one more questions, files in the /var directory are taking up a lot of space on the server, is it ok to delete the files in here, not the directories, just the files within them.
I would like to have it setup that the log files in /domains/domainname/logs be deleted every 3 months.

Is that possible?
If they're managed by logrotate then you can set them up to rotate as often or seldom as you wish.

I'm not sure if they are or not, and I'm not looking now.
