Delete more than 50 accounts at a time


Verified User
Oct 19, 2006
I find it odd that I can select 100 accounts to delete, yet when I confirm the deletion, it shows the 100 seperated on 2 pages and upon confirming, will only delete the page displayed. Basically, I can delete 100, but have to manually go to both pages to delete them (on the confirmation page) .

Is their anyway to delete more than 50 accounts at a time ?
John, do you have any limits? We have clients with in excess of 1,000 accounts on a server.

Not for the confirmation page when deleting users.
If you can select "X" number of users to do the initial selection, then you should be able to show that many on the confirmation page as well.

In order to delete 1000 users at once, the admin would have to first use the Advanced Search to tell DA to show 1000 users (all) in the first place.

If you're referring to users per server, nope, no DA limits. It's up to the system. I've seen a box with excess of 2000 domains/users. Each site was fairly small without too much database usage, so with some apache modifications to handle it (log removal mainly) it was able to chug along...slowly.

I have tried the Advanced search method you suggested in displaying 500 at a time. I attempted to delete them all but ended up at a white page. It would not allow me to blast them all at once. I am trying to cleanup a massive amount of junk accounts on a server. Is their a means of doing so effectively from command line that you can recommend ?
2007:01:10-19:13:55: *** Segmentation fault *** Request::readAndProcess(*skt, IP.add.res.s, IP.add.res.s) : User: (null) : IP.add.res.s : /CMD_SELECT_USERS sort1=1&delete=Delete&location=CMD%5FALL%5FUSER%5FSHOW%3Fsort%31%3D%2D%34%26comparison%25%33%31%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%32%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%33%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%34%3Dcontains%26comparison%25%33%35%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%36%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%37%3Dnone%26comparison%25%33%38%3Dnone%26ipp%3D%25%33%32%25%33%30%25%33%30%26sort%25%33%32dir%3D%25%33%31%26value%25%33%31%3D%26value%25%33%32%3D%26value%25%33%33%3D%26value%25%33%34%3D%25%32E%25%33%30%25%33%39%25%33%37%25%33%37%26value%25%33%35%3D%26value%25%33%36%3D%26value%25%33%37%3D%26value%25%33%38%3D%26page%3D%33&select%34%30%30=

2007:01:10-19:13:56: *** Segmentation fault *** Request::readAndProcess(*skt, IP.add.res.s, IP.add.res.s) : User: (null) : IP.add.res.s : /IMG_SKIN_NAV_LOGOUT_OVER : (null) : (null)
2007:01:10-19:13:57: *** Segmentation fault *** Request::readAndProcess(*skt, IP.add.res.s, IP.add.res.s) : User: (null) : IP.add.res.s : /IMG_SKIN_NAV_LOGOUT2_OVER : (null) : (null)
2007:01:10-19:13:58: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)

Fill in an IP address at IP.add.res.s where applicable.

It would be great to be able to take out more than 50 at a time. Is their a way to do this from shell even, perhaps via a script. I've a heft amount of accounts to wipe :)
John, I had yet to update to the newest version, I have just completed the update. I will giv e it another shot and let you know the outcome. Thank you.
John, thank you , this works beautifully allowing me to blast around 200 at a time. (500 times out immediately, but 200 should be more than enough)

My gratitude to you.