Deleted a temporary redirection and now website is unavailable??!!!

Mary McDonagh

New member
Mar 24, 2010
I deleted a temporary redirection to another site and now the main website is unavailable??!!! Does it take time for it to appear again?

The page displays Welcome to the home of
website coming soon

Can anyone help
give the domain name should help...

remove a temp redir dont take time, he just start check the internal data... so.. maybe is empty or maybe you still got the directadmin index.html in public_html that you should had remove
Thanks for your help, would I have to remove directadmin index.html in public_html? would it not automatically remove it when I deleted the redirection

thanks again
i think he does the redirect by apache, and when you create a domain it automatic put a logo.jpg and index.html in your public_html that you have to remove for see your real website...

btw, i repeat, the domain name should be more helpful that try to think what going on there :)
Mary you must give us the domain or else we are merely guessing.