Deleted PHP 7.4?


Verified User
Dec 22, 2018
Hi everyone,

Should we delete PHP 7.4 since it is EOL? I tried to delete it and only use PHP 8.0 and CustomBuild could no longer find PHP (I wish I had a screenshot to share). I had to reinstall 7.4 and it worked fine again. Any direction/advice is appreciated.
You can uninstall / remove php 7.4 (or other software) if you want simply by CustomBuild, but your questions is somehow vage.
Why you have to reinstall after you had removed ?
You can uninstall / remove php 7.4 (or other software) if you want simply by CustomBuild, but your questions is somehow vage.
Why you have to reinstall after you had removed ?
Hi Active8,

Thanks for the reply. I did uninstall it, and assumed that php 8 would take over. But in the DA control panel, where the CustomBuild link is, it would change into an error that said PHP was not found. But when I reinstalled php 7.4 it comes back. Any thoughts?01-05-2023-00.01.26.png
Make sure that in you CustomBuilds settings the php1_release is set to 8.0
If you just remove php 7.4 or just set php1_release to none it will have no default php version to use as php1_release is used as default php version.
as addition to @realcryptonight you can try to execute that command by SSH:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set php1_release 8.0
./build set php2_release no
./build set php3_release no
./build set php4_release no
./build set php1_mode php-fpm
./build set php2_mode php-fpm
./build set php3_mode php-fpm
./build set php4_mode php-fpm
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs
Additionally: Check your current php mode. If that is mod_php you also need to remove mod_ruid2 if active.

I would suggest to use the commands @Active8 gave you, but additionaly maybe add php 8.1 as php2_release so you can switch if needed. For example ioncube is not supporting php 8.0.
Thank you all for the help! I did discover some website issues when only using 8.0, so I will be using the switch between 7.4 and I really appreciate all the help!
Be aware that not all software is php 8.1 (and newer) compatible, so you might want to keep 8.0 too for a bit. ;)