Deleting of menu items


Verified User
Sep 5, 2005
The Netherlands
Just installed DirectAdmin on a FreeBSD 5.4 system. Now I am configuring DirectAdmin.
But this server won't be a WebServer, we have a dedicated webserver. so i want to delete the FTP Management from DirectAdmin. How do i delete those sort of items from DirectAdmin.

Can someone help me with this?

Thanks in advance...
You can't delete the functions entirely. The only workaround currently is to make a new skin removing those links.

You can also remove proftpd from the server, then that function will simply not work.
The most important thing to know is that DA is a closed box. It's a statically compiled C++ program, so there's nothing to remove and no place to remove it from.

I don't have to removed it from DirectAdmin, but i wanted to remove it fomr the Users Place, but i found it. I can remove the buttons/links in the .html files of the skins (in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins)

Look above you'll see that changing the skins was exactly what Jon recommended.

You asked for other ways, and that's why I explained what I did.

Note that if you simply change any part of the DA skins DA will overwrite your changes.

The right way to do it is to copy the entire skin into a custom skin and change your custom skin.

Of course then whenever DA modifies the skin you'll have to study their new skin and decide if you need the features added to yours.
