Differences (advantages ??) of multiple domains per customer or multiple accounts


New member
Dec 26, 2007

I wonder. If I have my own server and want to have multiple websites then what is the advantage/difference/benefits or NOT to having 1 account with multiple domains or to have multiple accounts with one domain each?

I'm going to play with DA more to see the differences but I was looking for insight from others.

Thanks and pardon me if a silly question

It's not a silly question at all. If the sites you are hosting are all owned by you, then it would make sense to create them under the Admin's User account. That way you would streamline your access to them. Otherwise, separate accounts would be the way to go.
Keep in mind that because of the way DA's IP assignment system works and the way that SSL works, you must have a separate user if your site is going to be secured with an SSL cert. DA currently assigns IP's at the user level, rather than the domain level. So, if you want to secure a site, you'll need to create a new user for it and assign that user a dedicated IP.
Thanks for the insights

Thank you for the insights. I thought I could do everything as one account but the SSL will be a factor for other domains I want to host.

