Different bandwidth calculations on one DA page


Verified User
Oct 1, 2005
Amsterdam, NL
Yesterday I received two emails in the same minute about one of my users. In the first one it was a warning about the bandwith ALMOST being exceeded and the second email - only 1 second later - warned about having exceeded the allowed bandwith TOTALLY (see the email at bottom of this post)...

Then I checked the user's details (CMD_SHOW_USER) and found that the first email was probably right. The second one is not, but the user was already suspended. Bad thing...

But if you look closer at the details page (see screenshot attached), you can see that on top it says "769.969 / unlimited", but that is not only too low, the 'unlimited' is even wrong. As you can se on the next row: he has an allowed bandwith of 1500.

I found out this is happening for all the users.

Can anyone ellaborate on this, please?

First mail:
User <user> has used up 92.14% of his bandwidth and 53.08% of his allocated disk space
Second mail, in the same second received (and sent):
User <user> has used up 124.51% of his bandwidth and 53.08% of his allocated disk space


  • screenshot.gif
    17.3 KB · Views: 263
I'm not sure yet if this answered my question (I think it did), but this is the answer I got from DA support:

The domain bandwidth limit and the user bandwidth limit are 2 different settings.
The one you only need to worry about is the User bandwidth limit (1500).
The unlimited value for the domain limit just means that the domain can use as much bandwidth as it want, *within* the users bandwith limit.
The domain can never use more than 1500 meg.

If you click the "Details" button beside "Bandwidth(meg)", you'll get the breakdown.
The "domain bandwidth" in the top table is only for httpd.
The users bandwidth contains that plus everything else, eg: ftp, email, da usage, etc.

As for the emails and suspensions.. there should be a date with those messages.
I'm guessing the user was hitting the "update" button beside the disk usage infor (in his user leve panel).
Which kept doing a tally on him, hence the multiple emails.

In the screenshot you sent me, I did the math an 1485.7 / 1500 = 99%, which doesn't match either of the 2 emails you included.
This implies that there are several tallies going on repeatedly, again possibly triggered by the user, or possibly by a modified cronjob.

Note: if the tally is run twice within 1 minute, it's possible that the first one had not yet been completed, causing the logs not to rotate over yet, hence some double counting. There is a 10 minute default delay with tallies, you'll just need to find out why the tally was done so quickly back to back causing this. (eg, make sure you don't have a tally running every minute).

Thank you,
