direct admin files


Verified User
Aug 27, 2007

I am now using cpanel in my servers. I want to use DA in my new server. What are the advantages of the DA over WHM/cpanel.

Can any body give me a comparison of the files/file structures in both control panel. For example in WHM control panel ,we have files called /etc/userdomains /etc/trueuserdomains etc. from which we used to obtain the information regarding the domains. Please let me know the files equivalent to them.

It would be much appreciated if some body could let me know in detail about the major files in directadmin.
I don't know if anyone's compared DirectAdmin with CPanel on that level; you may want to be the first :).

If somebody could provide me with the same it would be much helpful. Even though the operating systems are different,there is much difference between between the files.

For example In Cpanel the domain details will be stored in the file /etc/userdomains. My query is that if some body could help me in comparing the file structure, it would help me a lot in learning the directadmin system very easily.

Thank you
Why don't you just rent a vps somewhere for a month, that includes DirectAdmin, and do the comparison yourself?


Thnak you for the suggestion As you know , its not the easy method to do the comaprison. I urgently needed the files and setting up a VPS and learning afterwards would be much time consuming.

I was hoping that some guys who have expertise in both control panel will help me out. Any way thank you for your suggestions

The main user files are stored in /home/$USER/domains/$DOMAIN/

As far as the user's system configuration files, those are in: /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$USER

Those folders tore everythin from FTP, HTTP, usage statistics, so on.

E-mail information is kept in /etc/virtual/$DOMAIN/.