Direct admin + S.A + Clam A.V


New member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello All,

Is it possible to use
Direct Admin with Spam assign with clam anti virus.?

Waiting for reply:confused:
It is, using MailScanner - there is a "How-To". It was probably the way I configured it, but MailScanenr tended to cause the server load to rise and rise.
Direct Admin


Does Direct Admin support Clam AV and Spam assign together?
If yes how we can install is it any method provided by Direct admin or should i install mannually?
if i will install mannually how i can access all feature by direct admin? will direct admin control panel allow me to use clam Av and spam assign using browser?

waiting for reply..:confused:
We use Exim (With Exiscan) with Spam Assassin.

No need to say that it do works perfectly.

We block most spam and viruses with that combo :)
UltimeWWW said:
We use Exim (With Exiscan) with Spam Assassin.

No need to say that it do works perfectly.

We block most spam and viruses with that combo :)

I could setup with clamd with exiscan
but how could you overcome the problem that
when clamd is down, the email will lose
Kawasaki KH500
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kktsang said:
I could setup with clamd with exiscan
but how could you overcome the problem that
when clamd is down, the email will lose

It simply won't get down :)

Our ClamD deamon hasn't crashed since quite a long time...;)