DirectAdmin 1.663


Staff member
Aug 30, 2021
We are happy to announce the release of DirectAdmin 1.663.

Highlights of this release is file system usage information in the System Information page and initial support for security.txt (RFC 9116). In addition to new features this release has important fixes and improvements.

Full release change log can be found here:

DirectAdmin 1.663

The update should be automatically available for all installations subscribed to the current release channel.

We appreciate all the feedback on forums and issues reported in the ticketing system.

With the new ModSecurity GUI (which is very nice - thank you) if the Request message is long, it does not wrap and pushes the Client IP and Full Info (button) out of view. You then need to scroll to the bottom of the page to move the window to the right. When you do, you can no longer see the Date and Request information.
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I have a few customers who created their own security.txt (which contains much more information). This file is now bypassed by enabling the security.txt setting in DirectAdmin. Isn't there a way you can check if the file exists, those settings are being served?
@enricovangoor the purpose of Automatic security.txt is to give server admins and resellers some guarantees that file not only exists but is correct and up to date. Just checking file for existence would not ensure it is valid.

If user would like to manage it manually it is better to disable the automatic security.txt feature for that particular user (it can be managed on a per user level).
A small update is released to improve ModSecurity log parsing when logs are created by LiteSpeed.
1. System information on mobile is not alligned anymore.

2. When pressing file system information the layout get messed up.


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When giving root password for any file in the file editor the screen wont refresh when root password is accepted.
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Thanks @BillyS, a small update to the ModSecurity log table is released to word-wrap the long request lines and avoid horizontal scroll.

@exlhost, some widgets in refreshed layout on mobile does have horizontal scrollbar. The appearance of the system info button just made the old problem slightly more visible. There is no quick fix for this issue, but we expect to address it with general refreshed layout widgets upgrade in future releases.

@exlhost thanks, for persisten root password input bug report, it should get fixed soon.
An update is release to fix root password close button as reported by @exlhost
An update is release to support parsing malformed modsecurity audit log. More details here.
I noticed today that a client can rename a domain name, even tough the option is disabled in directadmin.conf.
I have the option
in my directadmin.conf

I am running the latest version: 1.663

Kind regards
@Driesp, we were unable to reproduce the reported issue. Please open a support ticket, maybe there is something specific to a single server.