DirectAdmin admin password incorrect?


Verified User
Jun 29, 2015
DirectAdmin doesn't recognize my password anymore.

when i try to recover it sais:
Error writing password request file.

Anyone knows how to fix this?
I have 3 reseller accounts for myself on the server with which i also can't login anymore.

Looks like the DirectAdmins user creditials isn't good??

Anybody knows what to do?
Thank you for your reply.

I also did those steps.

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
50G 47G 0 100% /
tmpfs 1,9G 24K 1,9G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 477M 94M 358M 21% /boot
685G 41G 610G 7% /home

not using too much diskspace and the other stept i did.
The DirectAdmin support fixed it.


I still don't understand how it can be full suddenly :(
The most common case is an error log of a site with PHP errors/notices in it.
That's why /var is recommended to be mounted as a separate partition.
Im beginning to think we made a big mistake going with directadmin.

Better of with cPanel of plesk i think.

2 days ago i had to take my server back from recovery cause it can´t start up anymore.
2 days later. The same...

At this point i don´t like directadmin at all.

Can´t start my servers so my customers don´t have websites online now.

Is there anyone that can help?
3rd time in 1 week i need to restore my directadmin server.

there is something seriously wrong with directadmin!

they should fix this!
i found a solution somewhere.
directadmin support doesnt provide support.

i really expected more from them.

I fixed it doing this:

Copy /var to /home/var
Delete /var
Link /var to /home/var

This worked for now, can anyone say if there is anything wrong with this or if i can encounter serious problems with this ?

Thanks in advance.
You have been much better help then directadmin support :(
If PHP scripts are flooding with errors an apache error log and the error log gets too big this is not the fault of Directadmin at all. The logs still might grow enough big to fill all the space in /home/.

Feel free to contact me by PM or through contact form on my site if yoo need someone to fix it for you.
Well allright, sorry for that than.

Where are the logs located and i assume i can just remove them all ?

Thank you
Please note, I don't know for sure that your issue is because of error logs. To find out it for sure you should gather more information:

du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/
du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/log/



du -xh --max-depth=1 /home/var/
du -xh --max-depth=1 /home/var/log/

for your case when you moved /var to /home/var


Logs can be found here:


If you remove them id won't help much, as they will be created again.
