DirectAdmin and MediaWiki


Verified User
Dec 24, 2005
I'm having some serious issues installing MediaWiki on my DirectAdmin server.

The MediaWiki install directory is /config/index.php

This URL takes me directly to :2222 - i.e. the Directadmin login. If I rename the /config/ directory I can access the MediaWiki installer, but the installer can not complete the installation due to the renamed install directory.

How do I change this redirect and why does it happen? Is this some sort of DA feature?
Ok, found the answer my self..

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Find Alias /config /var/www/html/redirect.php

Comment that line out by adding # in front. Should look like this:

#Alias /config /var/www/html/redirect.php

Edit this again when you hav installed MediaWiki.
in case someone having same problem with the recent version of DI
the file path is
Are you having the same problem? It shows DA login instead of wiki setup?