directadmin blocks office365 mail addresses


Verified User
Jul 3, 2020
Hi there!

Our Directadmin server is configured as a mailserver for several domains. Whenever a sender from an office365 domain mails to one of the domains configured on the directadmin server we get the following auto-generated mail from microsoft as an answer:

550 5.7.363 Remote server returned sender verification failed -> 550 Verification failed for <office 365 mailadress here>;Sender verify failed

It furthermore mentions that the PTR record is incorrectly configured on the office 365 side. I verified the PTR records and they are correctly pointing to the microsoft office 365 environment.

Did anyone encounter a problem like this before with office 365 sending mails to a directadmin mailadress?

Please let me know what you might have found to solve this.


Kind regards,

i also have a domain linked within office 365

did you complete the domain setup in office365 as owner?
in directadmin there should be an option to link the office 365 domain with generated dns records ( there is a button to generate them )
then the records should be added there automaticly

i also have a domain linked within office 365

did you complete the domain setup in office365 as owner?
in directadmin there should be an option to link the office 365 domain with generated dns records ( there is a button to generate them )
then the records should be added there automaticly
Thanks for your reply! The DNS records checked fine in admin center. This issue is resolved. see