directadmin: cannot execute binary file?


Verified User
Apr 5, 2006

I hope someone can help me? I wait many days for e-mail support, so i place it here.

On friday i try to update diirectadmin to the last version 1.4.0 on the the system CentOS release 5.7 (Final) 32bit.

I do this the last 3 years on this way:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build clean
./build versions

But i get :
-bash: ./directadmin: cannot execute binary file

I found on google and the forum the OS and license setting is not correct.

On friday the support tell me : Do this (the change license setting the 64 to 32bit):

Everything work download update en extract the update, but when i do this

[root@www3 directadmin]# ./directadmin p
-bash: ./directadmin: cannot execute binary file

Stil same error but the last support answer was on friday and still no answer, i hope someone can help me here. I have 3 same systems only one have this problem, please help me!

Best regards,
Do this then after you run the above will tell you whats wrong.

head -n 1 update.tar.gz
Thanks for the fast replay :-)

I get no errors for extracting the update.tar.gz file. But when i start it i get some strange characters! see:

[root@www3 directadmin]# head -n 1 update.tar.gz WÚÍNÄ
< DD!F|T:ÝÕé&ý¢º;TøB|QQGÄ¢£ø*È£2ÌÎ,2ãÂÎÙesVdge¿ï«êô¿söåÙâ|¹õÿÕ*{¿ÿ½·«JÅ´-oÂã +/3JK+*ÊËÇ/-#^ZVQ^j|oÁ'<va¡aG£¿WÏ´¿ßQúÿÙNVY1¦b\q<Z\&mÎØMê§ÆcÛ÷©3||ÉæË&ý©|bñÁ/×Îi-<¹bØ:öwQ4Q¼%¥Qìqu«[R|HQA±â-î±w(®q÷ï¡XçîÏwËO(ºû©1¾Þ-Û)n¦¸¢bµËߣh£Eñ2Eb»{ìY·|Ò-ºå¯)~âîÿâD

I am not sure what that means. It might just mean there is no error.

Did you try to chmod the directadmin binary?

chmod 0755 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin p
Yes i try but thats not the problem:

[root@www3 ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin
[root@www3 directadmin]# chmod 0755 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin
[root@www3 directadmin]# ./directadmin p
-bash: ./directadmin: cannot execute binary file

I still waiting for support e-mail? Thanks for helping me!
Then I guess, you still got wrong binary. Make sure you download correct archive for your OS type and architecture.
Yes i think that the problem i get a 64bit binary on a 32bit system, but stil waiting for support. The support (Mark) can change it on my license...and for the updates. I use CentOS 5.7 (final) 32bit.

Hope the support of directadmin can change/help me, some customers waiting....for 3 days!
Yes i think that the problem i get a 64bit binary on a 32bit system, but stil waiting for support. The support (Mark) can change it on my license...and for the updates. I use CentOS 5.7 (final) 32bit.

Hope the support of directadmin can change/help me, some customers waiting....for 3 days!

If you've got a valid update.tar.gz on any other CentOS 5.x of yours, you might want to update it manually.
Thanks i try the safesubmit, and now i wait ;-)

Also i have 3 other systems same OS and ZEiter that's a good idea, i already think about it, but i do not now if there any license in the file "update.tar.gz

Thanks for helping me!