Directadmin + Cloudlinux + php versions in CustomBuild


Verified User
Aug 1, 2020
Guys, I have a question. I'm going to use CloudLinux and I'm going to install multiple versions of PHP on CloudLinux. Is there a need to configure a specific version of PHP in the custom build?

I intend to use DirectAdmin + Nginx. Do I have to do any special configuration in the custom build?
this version will be used for DA services (phpmyadmin, roundcube) so you can install 8.2 lsphp
on cloudlinux selector disallow for users using this php, let them use CL versions only
install 8.2 lsphp
If he uses the mod_lsapi or Litespeed than lsphp yes.

PHP 8.2 as first is fine. And you can use both selectors if you want.
I have the 4 PHP Versions in DA. And the CL Selector. So when you have more domians per user but the user would want different PHP Versions in the same useraccount for a specific domain they can use the DirectAdmin PHP Selector.
Be aware that for users the first PHP Selector in DirectAdmin will be overruled by the CloudLinux Selector. Giving your users 3 extra PHP Versions or with the new upcoming DA release more PHP Versions.
Is my configuration correct? Remembering that I'm using nginx_apache, in php1_mode=lsphp Is this correct? even using nginx_apache .

see atachment


  • config-directadmin.png
    98.3 KB · Views: 5
looks like fine, you can always correct all before you put a lot of users here.
If he uses the mod_lsapi or Litespeed than lsphp yes.
as I know - it is default mode for CL+Directadmin - for me works fine on few servers.
also my ideal setup - one domain per account, so there will be no problems with php selector also all websites separated in case of hacked plugin or something, also CL php more isolated than DA's in mentioned mix. I'm using little modified php_version_selector plugin to change CL php_versions per-domain even if there few domains in account. (it adds php handler with needed php version to htaccess of needed domain)