directadmin dead but subsys locked


Verified User
Nov 18, 2012
Not sure what happened, today I tried visiting my admin panel and got.
So I decided to check the directadmin service.
[root@server directadmin]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but subsys locked

Did some searching on the forum and tried what I found, but no luck.

[root@server directadmin]# service directadmin start
Starting DirectAdmin:                                      [  OK  ]
[root@server directadmin]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but subsys locked
[root@server directadmin]#

[root@server directadmin]# ps faux | grep -i directadmin
root     15841  0.0  0.0   5556   724 pts/0    S+   20:10   0:00          \_ grep -i directadmin
nobody   15779  0.0  0.1  12492  2140 ?        Ss   20:10   0:00      \_ /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq
[root@server directadmin]#

[root@server directadmin]# pwd
[root@server directadmin]# ./directadmin
Bind Error: Make sure there aren't any copies running in the background
Address already in use
[root@server directadmin]# 

[root@server /]# cat /var/log/directadmin/error.log
[root@server /]#
This is the result I got when I tried that.

Here is the output I got when attempting that.

[root@texas ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin
[root@texas directadmin]# killall -9 directadmin
directadmin: no process killed
[root@texas directadmin]# ./directadmin b2000
Debug mode. Level 2000

Bind Error: Make sure there aren't any copies running in the background
Address already in use
[root@texas directadmin]# ./directadmin b2000 | grep string
[root@texas directadmin]# ./directadmin b2000 | grep string
[root@texas directadmin]# ./directadmin b2000
Debug mode. Level 2000

Bind Error: Make sure there aren't any copies running in the background
Address already in use
[root@texas directadmin]#
Then it is already running and you have nothing to worry about. Can you not get on it? You better kill -9 the process.
This is the result I got when I tried that.

[root@texas directadmin]# ps faux | grep directadmin
root 19613 0.0 0.0 5556 708 pts/0 S+ 03:46 0:00 \_ grep directadmin
[root@texas directadmin]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but subsys locked
[root@texas directadmin]#

But, I figured the issue out. When I tried loading the admin page all I got was the OpenSSH message. I had a custom SSH port for 2222 which I forgot to remove, It was conflicting with my DirectAdmin admin panel.

So the fix was just to change the ssh port to something else and restart the sshd service.