directadmin dead but subsys locked


New member
Jan 24, 2005
I have a big problem. My directadmin loginpage does not show up anymore since last 2 days.
I have try these commans and results are below.

> service directadmin status
< directadmin dead but subsys locked

> ps ax |grep directadmin
< 15869 pts/0 S 0:00 grep directadmin

help please.
DirectAdmin isn't running. have you tried starting it? What is the error message (if any) that is produced when you try that?
Usually but not always "<programname> dead but subsys locked" means the program isn't running but the "pid" file is still present.

First make sure DirectAdmin is really dead:

# ps waux | grep directadmin

If the "grep" line shows up, that's okay, but if there are any other lines, kill them by pid:

kill <pid>

where <pid> is the number in the second column of the ps output.

Go through the entire list, killing all of them.

Then do the ps line again:

# ps waux | grep directadmin

and if any of the line still show up, try killing them again, but force the kill this time:

kill -9 <pid>

Once all instances of DirectAdmin are stopped, see if there's a file at /var/run/ and if there is, delete it:

rm /var/run/

Then restart directadmin (yes, I said "restart" not start, as the DA heartbeat may have restarted it already):

service directadmin start

is the way you do it on RH and RHEL. On other versions do it the way you normally start programs, or through the web-based interface.

That'll do it.

i wrote ps waux | grep directadmin.
It shows:
root 29615 0.0 0.0 3688 668 pts/0 S 20:22 0:00 grep directadmin
[root@xxxxx root]#

what does it means en wat must i do?

It means follow the rest of Jeff's suggestions:

Once all instances of DirectAdmin are stopped, see if there's a file at /var/run/ and if there is, delete it:

rm /var/run/

Then restart directadmin (yes, I said "restart" not start, as the DA heartbeat may have restarted it already):

service directadmin start

is the way you do it on RH and RHEL. On other versions do it the way you normally start programs, or through the web-based interface.

When i command service directadmin rerstart then I see:

service directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [FAILED]
Starting DirectAdmin: execvp: No such file or directory
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Here's what our newest installed server says about excecvp:
[root@srv01 conf]# whereis execvp
execvp: /usr/share/man/man3/execvp.3.gz /usr/share/man/man3p/execvp.3p.gz
[root@srv01 conf]# locate execvp
So it may be time to contact DA support.
