DirectAdmin dead?


Verified User
Nov 12, 2004

We've attempted our first install of DirectAdmin on a Virtuozzo VPS with a Fedora Core 2 template, and the install seemed to go fine, but DirectAdmin doesn't actually seem to start:

[root@vps109 root]# service directadmin start
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
[root@vps109 root]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but pid file exists
[root@vps109 root]# service directadmin stop
Stopping DirectAdmin: [FAILED]

Anyone experience this before? Thanks.
Okay, seems it's an error with checking for the IP address in ioctl:

2005:02:23-09:15:32: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0
2005:02:23-09:15:32: The ip of this machine does not match the ip in the license file : <br>

The first "ethernet port" is on venet0:0. Anyway to change this to check venet0:0 instead of eth0?
I don't have access to a working Virtuozzo install this morning to check, so I can't tell you :( .

However one of the two avenues should work for you:

Did you get DA with your VPS? If so, then your VPS provider should offer you the technical support you need to run DA.

Did you purchase your DA license direct from JBMC Software (the authors of DA)? If so, their support team should be able to help you.

Thanks for the reply!

I had planned on emailing DirectAdmin support regarding this, but figured maybe someone on the boards had experienced this same thing in the past. I've now emailed them regarding the error and hope to receive a reply soon.
As a note for the future, if anyone wonders about this, in the file:






or whatever the network interface is called.