DirectAdmin does not load named after reboot since updating to 1.63.3


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
DirectAdmin does not load named after reboot since updating to 1.63.3
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Can't do much with that without further info. Named is one of the OS services.
But is it still enabled to start after boot?

It shoud look like this:
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/named.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

If it still says disabled, you should enable it.
systemctl enable named
This is FreeBSD 11.2 and it didn't start until after the DA update, but for some perspective, the server hasn't been rebooted in ~2 weeks and the update happened yesterday. Then when it was rebooted from the CP named didn't come up. It never remounts. I made up a watchdog but that isn't right either. I'm checking to see if anyone else has experienced this.
Oh FreeBSD... I thought you were already over to Alma in the meantime.
For the 2 or 3 weeks FreeBSD is still supported, it might be better to put FreeBSD questions in the seperate FreeBSD section of the forum so things are more clear directly, more FreeBSD users will be looking there too I guess.

Maybe our friend @bdacus01 experienced this, unless he's already over to something else.