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I think there is a solution to this by manually editing the .htaccess file.

You can install squirrelmail plugins just like you would on any other system. Whether or not they are compatible (depending on dependencies) are a different story.
i solved the issue with the forwarding, but after i log=in to my ftp, where in there, in which folder do i need to add the squirrelmail plugins? i can't see where to.
I'm not sure I'm catching everything in your question, but...

You should be uploading to the account you're forwarding to; the forward doesn't affect your uploading at all.

true, but in which folder should i place the SquirrelMail plug-ins? i'm not a reseller, and my hosting account uses DA.
You need root access to make modifications to the master install of squirrelmail in /var/www/html/squirrelmail