DirectAdmin in French


Verified User
Jun 13, 2003
It's possible to make a language in french for DirectAdmin?? Or create a system for translate online.

if you post the translations for most words using in the control panel, in the format

english > new language it would help out skin designers and lang pack makers to get some new things available for the requested language.

aslong as you leave the copyright intact you should be fine, if not then use new skins :cool:

You are free to use our existing skins as a template/guide to make your own. As long as our skins are only used for other DirectAdmin skins, there is no problem. This does not hold for other skin makers, they might setup different rules for the distribution of their skins.

the default skin cannot be modified then? even if the copyright is left intact?
You can modify the default skin however you wish, as long as its for another DirectAdmin skin.... just don't go creating your homepage using our skin :D

only just finished designin our latest one! - wont be changingit again for a while

It's very nice :)
I want tryed to create my own template in french and less the copyright of Directadmin in Down-Center!

Answer: We can post french topic her?

Les peaux françaises seront bienvenu à DirectAdmin, mais sans module de langue, tous les messages d'erreur seront toujours en anglais.

Oui, je sais un peu de français :)

Car je suis disont pas tres fort en englais loll
Sa risque d'etre plus facile de poster mes messages en francais!
heh.. I think we'd better stick to english.. my french is quite rusty, and I'd probably miss half the things you're trying to say... hehe... plus other people would be able to help.

I actually cheated on that last post, I used altavista :D .. but I do know French to a certain degree.... just havn't used it for a long time.

Is it possible to add a languaga pack file? So that everything is taken from that specific file? You could then easily create a variable to set the language file to use.

I'm more than willing to help translating in dutch!
i thought DA had language packs ability?

if not then mark and john have another thing to add to their todo list


EDIT: justread the whole post again and realised you were asking something else :p

just edit the skin files with the lang you dont even have to make the rest of the skin ;)
You can add a "language pack" type of thing in, i havent tried this, but it will most likely work. its a bit of a hack arround :)

In you files_user.conf files_reseller.conf files_admin.conf make you language variables starting with IMG_LANG like IMG_LANG_WEBMAIL then set it to what you want the text to be:

IMG_LANG_WEBMAIL=courrier d'enchaînement

Vous pouvez ajouter un type "de paquet de langue" de chose dedans, I havent a essayé ceci, mais cela fonctionnera très probablement son un peu un arround d'entaille :) Dans que vous files_user.conf files_reseller.conf files_admin.conf vous font des variables de langue commençant par IMG_LANG comme IMG_LANG_WEBMAIL puis les placent à ce que vous voulez que soit le texte :
IMG_LANG_WEBMAIL=courrier d'enchaînement