directadmin installation apache2 phpmyadmin mysql-server ?`


Verified User
Dec 10, 2009
helli wish to know if i can install directadmin with apache2 phpmyadmin mysql-server ?`or is it not compatible with this ?

***Please do not install services such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Ftp, Sendmail, etc., as we will do this for you. All we need is a CLEAN install of your operating system.***
We do not recommend installing DirectAdmin on an existing live production server.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build clean
./build all d
custum build

thansk for your help it worked a little bether now,

i want to know if i can make a custom build so that i can use myslql-server mysql-client with apache2
instead of httpd and mysqld cause some of my scripts i need to run trhough mysql-server with phpmyadmin

i also would like to know if its possible to get a root access to my phpmyadmin to make databases in stead of duing it via directadmin

when i try run a program called xbt

it says /home/danielson/xbt/Tracker# ./xbt_tracker
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
or is there a way to fix it so it can be run with the already installed options