Solved "directadmin-ips.conf" secondary IPs can't serve static contents larger than 1mb

Ohm J

Verified User
Aug 16, 2019
This thread will useful for information for anyone encounter this issued.
All IPs showing here is fake.


I have problem about this.... 2 years ago (maybe since I start add addition IPs).
my server have 3 IPs ( public IP ), so main IP work fine because it running by "/etc/nginx-vhost.conf"

like /phpmyadmin, /roundcube, Statics contents doesn't work. So now, I trying debug again. somehow there have a bit weird of files between sizeof greater than 1mb and lower than 1mb,

files size lower than 1mb still work fine. so Now I decide to unused "directadmin-ips.conf" for now to workaround fixed my problem.

Example: enter site

it work fine with return code 200;

When trying to enter static files bigger than 1mb.

it return code 404;

When trying to enter static files bigger than 1mb with main ips

it return code 200; ( work fine )

So only problem with addition IPs that work with "directadmin-ips.conf"

But when I unused/remove "directadmin-ips.conf", It will running with "nginx-vhost.conf" and work fine again.

It's a weird problem.
This is weird, when you try open file via IP which didn't have virtualhost with appropriate document-root you must receive 404 for any requested file, no matter what size it/type it.
it IP Linken.

all IPs link to main IP. and problem only with webapps like phpmyadmin, roundcube ( /var/www/html/* ).

All domains work fine ( only enter site with IPs is problem ).
yes, just checked - it has include for wepapps on each additional IP vhost

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