directadmin license bug


Verified User
Feb 3, 2007
i notice that when we install a license into a server, after that we change that license ip to another server and install again.

the previous server directadmin remain working.

this should be fix to avoid some user only use 1 license for different server
Actually that's strange, i suppose that directadmin check the license everyday, so, passed the night the server should stop working.

have you tested for more than 1 day?


Read this

Valid After		Wed May 4 13:00:00 2005 
Valid Until		Thu Nov 17 04:01:03 2011 
Portioned License	This Portioned License is a license that has a true expiry at a date father 
			into the future than is set in the physical key. The license will automatically
			update to the next time period when the key's expiry nears.
True expiry: 		Tue Jan 19 10:14:07 2038 
Current Server Time	Tue Oct 25 17:12:55 2011 
Time Remaining		22 days, 10 hours and 48 minutes

As zEitEr mentioned, we've implemented the portioned licenses to address this issue. We didn't design our licensing system with a single point of failure.. as the last thing we'd want is for our system to be down for a day and everyone's boxes stop running. That won't happen with this design. Without getting into too much details as how to how it works, our system is more flexible than other licensing systems, and isn't absolutely dependent on a licensing server every minute of the day. But on the other end of things, we do know when someone is running multiple copies of DA on the same license, so don't do it or we make your box melt into a puddle ;) We usually allow for a bit of overlap when people are moving boxes. Melting boxes only happens with extreme cases of license abuse.
