DirectAdmin Lifetime on VPS


Verified User
Mar 24, 2010
I am looking to buy DA lifetime for a VPS

The DA specs page says that DA needs two IPs. Is this really needed as most bargain VPSs today come with just one IP

I guess this is because they want to use different IPs for each nameserver record. But ns records do work on the same IP, but maybe not the most optimal.

So, can DA be installed on a Centos 32 bit VPS with 512Meg ram and only ONE IP?

Yes, it can. However, it's not recommended to use the same IP for both nameservers.
Thanks smtalk

I thought it would work OK as i have a VPS where hoster provides DA as an add-on, but they gave me only one IP.

I can register two nameservers with that one IP where I have my domain names registered and all works.

As I learn more of how IPs/Nameservers work I guess I will come to understand the recommended need for two IPs

I have never used an external nameserver (that I know of) and cannot figure out why they exist and how they work. :o All I know is that they want more money :eek:

If both your nameservers as listed where you register your domains have the same IP#, or even separate IP#s on the same server or the same network, then anyone who does a DNS report ( (or at other sites offering a similar service) will get a notification that their DNS has errors and a single point of failure.

And if your DNS is hosted on one server, and if that server should ever be down, browsers will present a message that the domain doesn't exist, instead of a message the the domain is temporarily unavailable.

If your clients don't care, then it may not be important to you.

If it is important to but you don't want to pay out some money (either for your own VPS but on a different network, or for Slave DNS service as offered by my company and many others) then try to find another hosting company running DirectAdmin, so you can slave their domains, and they can slave yours.

Thanks Jeff

I know I need to learn a lot more about how DNS works. As a hint, this is the first time I have heard of "Slave DNS". :eek: So I just googled it and see that is might be something I can get set up.

Remember that DNS is the most important service your server offers. Why? Because without it nothing else works.

Doesnt really matter most people put them on 2 ips on the same subnet which is completely pointless.