DirectAdmin & Mambo


New member
Oct 21, 2005
Hi There,
I signed up for a domain name and hosting package from I have set up my site successfully, I have installed Mambo as a plugin and have used it to edit my site.

My problem is how to link the two?
When I go to I can't see the mambo site I edited. However, if I browse to, I can.

Could someone tell me how I can link/import the mambo files into DirectAdmin?

I guess you've installed Mambo in the public_html/mambo/ directory?

There are two ways to 'fix' this:
- Re-install mambo, in the /public_html/ directory.
- Add a redirect file to the /public_html/ folder. People who visit your website will automaticly get redirected to the page.

This last option can be easily done by adding a index.html to /public_html/. Then add to the index.html file:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=mambo/">

Good luck ;)
Thanks very much.
The simple option 2 worked, but there is a delay where the first page displays for a couple of seconds and then displays my website's homepage.
I think I will have to do another install of Mambo in the public_html folder and watch out for the options this time. When I originally installed it, I just went with default options.
Thanks a million.
You could put the following into a .htaccess file at $YOURDOMAIN/public_html/

Options -Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.html
REDIRECT /index.html http://$YOURDOMAIN/mambo/index.php
Or with an index.php as follows:

<?php header("location: mambo/"); ?>

Since the PHP header function can't be canceled by the user because it's not client side. :-)