DirectAdmin migration


Verified User
Feb 28, 2008

I'm planning to migrate a FreeBSD machine running DirectAdmin to a fresh DirectAdmin on Linux tonight. Right now im in the posession
of two DirectAdmin licenses, one is already in use by the FreeBSD machine now. I was wondering if I can give the new Linux machine
the old DirectAdmin license (offcourse giving the new machine the IP of the old machine.), or will this cause any conflicts?

I was planning on doing this using the script from the directadmin scripts directory.

Also, another question. What would be the best way to go about migrating the data.. I was thinking of backupping all userdata through the
directadmin webpanel (per reseller), and then importing it again on the new DirectAdmin install.

So a short summary, I want to do this:
1. install new linux machine with directadmin using a temporary license I already have..
2. copy over all user data from FreeBSD -> Linux machine
3. shutdown the old freeBSD server
4. Give new linux server the IP of the old FreeBSD server
5. use to retrieve the license for this IP.
6. Additional steps, ( for fixing config files, etc.)

I hope anyone can give me some useful pointers here!

Kind Regards,
You'll need to let DA support know you are changing OS I believe.
Hmm.. you might be right infact, I read similar stuff :(

How would I go about this without having the least downtime? Because when the license is updated to a new OS.. the old DA install wont work anymore I presume. Or will only the directadmin webinterface be disabled? (services, etc. still running..)

Then I could possibly backup all user-data and move it to the new server, and tell the DA guys to change the OS of the license..

Another option would be to setup the new box also with FreeBSD, then I dont have to notify them about the OS change, I think? Or would installing a newer version of FreeBSD (its running FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE atm) also cause OS licensing conflicts?
When DirectAdmin updates the license to the new server type nothing will stop working.

Only when you install the license on the new machine then the new machine will start working. Of course you can't run two copies of DA on the same IP# so you'll have to shut down the old machine before you start the new one on the same IP#.

Hello, sorry for the bump.

I'm in the sama situation, and I was wondering how it went for the author. Was there any problem with the license? Did anything else go wrong that resulted in unnecessary downtime?

Can I change from apache1 to apache2 with the directadmin migrate-script?