There are several ways to go about setting
up your box, but I'm guessing you have:
- one server
- one domain already registered
- wish to host a few more domains eventually ?
one way would be:
1. as admin, create a reseller package, which
you'll be using for your main domain, enter
suitably large numbers for bandwidth and
disk space - select 3IPs to be use, two of which
will be used as nameservers.
2. create a reseller, if we suppose your domain
is, then create a reseller called
texasbob, and fill in your domain details etc.
- this will set up as the reseller's
domain, and will assign two IPs as nameservers.
3. register these IPs to be used as your nameservers
at GoDaddy, and wait for dns to propagate so your
site will resolve.
4. to set up a few other sites, log in as texasbob
create a user package, and then create a user.
It's easier at this stage to set up all users
to share the reseller IP (the IP which will
have been assigned to texasbob for his domain).
So far, we've done nothing about hostname, as
we're not using this for anything, but later,
you could:
- edit the zone file for, and add
an A record for something like
using a free IP address for this if you like.
- run the script, supplying and the IP address as arguments.
- go to admin settings, and enter the nameservers
you're using for as the nameservers to
be used - means if you set up any site using your
admin's reseller level, these nameservers will be used.
There are other ways to go about dealing with
nameservers, you could simply add a dns
zone, and this could be used to create a zone
file for, and assign two IPs
to be used, and you could add these
nameservers in the admin settings to be
used for all future sites on the box, and
also register these with GoDaddy. This
may or may not be easier depending
on how you look at things.