With myself regularly recommending dedicated server owners to Foggys Ensim checklist on EV1 i thought it would be a good idea to setup something similar for DirectAdmin users.
Hopefully this will come in useful for both experienced users and beginners with DirectAdmin servers
Thats all i need to say, so i will leave you to read the rest
Before you try any how-to guides listed below, please remember that i do not take responsibilty for any problems, that may occur whilst using them or setting them up.
Linux basics
New to Linux? These guides may help you out
-> Using SSH on windows OS
-> Using SSH on MAC OS
-> Using VI text editor
-> Directory of linux commands
-> Linux resource websites
-> Beginners guide to SSH
DirectAdmin Installation
Useful advice for setting up your server
-> DirectAdmin server setup guide
Server Updates
-> Update Kernel using UP2DATE
-> Update kernel on dual processor servers (normal kernel update wont work)
-> Update PHP (4.3.4) using DA custom apache build system
-> Update apache (1.3.29) Using DA custom apache build system
-> Update Mod_SSL (2.8.16) Using DA custom apache build system
ModSSL, Apache and PHP updates above are all upgraded together using the custom apache build system
Server Security
The best software i have found to secure your server Please note that only 1 firewall should be installed)
-> APF Firewall (make sure you allow port 2222 for DirectAdmin to work)
-> KISS My Firewall 2.0(make sure you allow port 2222 for DirectAdmin to work)
-> Disable Direct Root Login
-> Disable Telnet
-> Mask apache server & services version numbers
-> Upgrade OpenSSH to fix recent exploit
-> Upgrade ProFTPd to fix recent exploit
-> Configure POP3S (Secure POP3) with xinetd
-> Change Shell Passwords - Below
(set new password)
su -
(set new password)
Other Users:
su - <username>
(set new password)
Go back to root:
Software & Service Updates
How-To upgrade software on your server such as PHP, MySQL & Perl
-> Upgrading OpenSSH
-> Upgrading OpenSSL
-> Custom Apache build system
General Server Setup
The simple things that you need to do with your server
-> Control panel login under https (secure space)
-> Change Host Name (change "server name" under admin settings - admin control panel)
-> Setup Default Nameservers
-> Provide personal nameservers without using additional IP addresses
-> Set Date & Time
-> Remove logging of Lame-Server
Server Monitoring
The software applications and script listed below will help you view your servers status
-> SIM - System intergrity monitor
-> RPM based MRTG installation Only install 1 MRTG, do not follow both guides
-> MRTG manually compile, configure and run
-> Domain Monitoring Tool - (CPU usage monitor for individual domains)
Install either Zend Optimzer OR PHPAccelerator, the 2 will not work together
-> Zend Optimizer
-> PHPAccelerator
-> Install Mod_GZIP
-> Optimize MySQL 4
Find out how many visitors your website is going and much more information with the following
-> Fresh install of Urchin 5
-> Urchin V4 > Urchin V5 Upgrade
-> Automate Urchin V5
-> AWStats For all Domains
-> MailScanner MRTG guide
Add-ons & advice
Hidden secrets in DirectAdmin along with some useful advice and other extras
-> Adding a login form from your website
-> SubDomain Secret >> (make sub.sub.sub.domain.com)
-> Setting up an SSL certificate for the server
-> Generating a self signed SSL certificate
-> Requirements to install an SSL certificate
-> Ensim -> DirectAdmin conversion script
-> Read mail sent to root@localhost
-> Site-Helper (DirectAdmin Information website)
-> Reset MySQL Password
-> Install PRM (process resource monitor)
-> Install Bandwidth Bar
-> Mask apache server & services version numbers
-> Install Darwin streaming server
-> Provide a MySQL user with an additional database
-> Backup or Transfer MySQL Databases without shell or phpMyAdmin access
-> Script to convert users to resellers & vice versa
-> MailScanner 4.24 for Exim 4.24
-> Full (unofficial) DirectAdmin backup guide / software
To reset the MySQL password with DA, you have to additionally edit: /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf to reflect your new da_admin password. also replace "root" with "da_admin"
Known problems / bugs & fixes [NEW]
Found a bug or problem? see if there is already a fix!
-> TroubleShooting Section
-> Webmail gives errors on a fresh install
-> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mail()
-> Mail & POP3 errors on a fresh installation
-> Exim fails to start - Exim configuration error
-> Webalizer binary not found
-> Apache fails to start
you have DirectAdmin, now time to get that new look!
-> DirectAdmin skinning guide
Skins coming soon:
-> DirectSkin (default skin) - [Developer: DirectSkins]
-> DA-3D - [Developer: DirectSkins]
-> Florida Sun - [Developer: MindLash]
Skins currently available:
-> LoopX - [Developer: LoopForever] [Status: Unsupported]
-> Hermes - [Developer: CyberAlien] [Status: Active]
Skinning Extras
Get some extra features in your skins
-> Bandwidth graphs (percentage used) - can be easily modified for disk space also
Have a how-to you want listed here
To get your DirectAdmin How-to guides listed here, contact me using the link below
-> E-Mail me
Hopefully this will come in useful for both experienced users and beginners with DirectAdmin servers
Thats all i need to say, so i will leave you to read the rest
Before you try any how-to guides listed below, please remember that i do not take responsibilty for any problems, that may occur whilst using them or setting them up.
Linux basics
New to Linux? These guides may help you out
-> Using SSH on windows OS
-> Using SSH on MAC OS
-> Using VI text editor
-> Directory of linux commands
-> Linux resource websites
-> Beginners guide to SSH
DirectAdmin Installation
Useful advice for setting up your server
-> DirectAdmin server setup guide
Server Updates
-> Update Kernel using UP2DATE
-> Update kernel on dual processor servers (normal kernel update wont work)
-> Update PHP (4.3.4) using DA custom apache build system
-> Update apache (1.3.29) Using DA custom apache build system
-> Update Mod_SSL (2.8.16) Using DA custom apache build system
ModSSL, Apache and PHP updates above are all upgraded together using the custom apache build system
Server Security
The best software i have found to secure your server Please note that only 1 firewall should be installed)
-> APF Firewall (make sure you allow port 2222 for DirectAdmin to work)
-> KISS My Firewall 2.0(make sure you allow port 2222 for DirectAdmin to work)
-> Disable Direct Root Login
-> Disable Telnet
-> Mask apache server & services version numbers
-> Upgrade OpenSSH to fix recent exploit
-> Upgrade ProFTPd to fix recent exploit
-> Configure POP3S (Secure POP3) with xinetd
-> Change Shell Passwords - Below
(set new password)
su -
(set new password)
Other Users:
su - <username>
(set new password)
Go back to root:
Software & Service Updates
How-To upgrade software on your server such as PHP, MySQL & Perl
-> Upgrading OpenSSH
-> Upgrading OpenSSL
-> Custom Apache build system
General Server Setup
The simple things that you need to do with your server
-> Control panel login under https (secure space)
-> Change Host Name (change "server name" under admin settings - admin control panel)
-> Setup Default Nameservers
-> Provide personal nameservers without using additional IP addresses
-> Set Date & Time
-> Remove logging of Lame-Server
Server Monitoring
The software applications and script listed below will help you view your servers status
-> SIM - System intergrity monitor
-> RPM based MRTG installation Only install 1 MRTG, do not follow both guides
-> MRTG manually compile, configure and run
-> Domain Monitoring Tool - (CPU usage monitor for individual domains)
Install either Zend Optimzer OR PHPAccelerator, the 2 will not work together
-> Zend Optimizer
-> PHPAccelerator
-> Install Mod_GZIP
-> Optimize MySQL 4
Find out how many visitors your website is going and much more information with the following
-> Fresh install of Urchin 5
-> Urchin V4 > Urchin V5 Upgrade
-> Automate Urchin V5
-> AWStats For all Domains
-> MailScanner MRTG guide
Add-ons & advice
Hidden secrets in DirectAdmin along with some useful advice and other extras
-> Adding a login form from your website
-> SubDomain Secret >> (make sub.sub.sub.domain.com)
-> Setting up an SSL certificate for the server
-> Generating a self signed SSL certificate
-> Requirements to install an SSL certificate
-> Ensim -> DirectAdmin conversion script
-> Read mail sent to root@localhost
-> Site-Helper (DirectAdmin Information website)
-> Reset MySQL Password
-> Install PRM (process resource monitor)
-> Install Bandwidth Bar
-> Mask apache server & services version numbers
-> Install Darwin streaming server
-> Provide a MySQL user with an additional database
-> Backup or Transfer MySQL Databases without shell or phpMyAdmin access
-> Script to convert users to resellers & vice versa
-> MailScanner 4.24 for Exim 4.24
-> Full (unofficial) DirectAdmin backup guide / software
To reset the MySQL password with DA, you have to additionally edit: /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf to reflect your new da_admin password. also replace "root" with "da_admin"
Known problems / bugs & fixes [NEW]
Found a bug or problem? see if there is already a fix!
-> TroubleShooting Section
-> Webmail gives errors on a fresh install
-> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mail()
-> Mail & POP3 errors on a fresh installation
-> Exim fails to start - Exim configuration error
-> Webalizer binary not found
-> Apache fails to start
you have DirectAdmin, now time to get that new look!
-> DirectAdmin skinning guide
Skins coming soon:
-> DirectSkin (default skin) - [Developer: DirectSkins]
-> DA-3D - [Developer: DirectSkins]
-> Florida Sun - [Developer: MindLash]
Skins currently available:
-> LoopX - [Developer: LoopForever] [Status: Unsupported]
-> Hermes - [Developer: CyberAlien] [Status: Active]
Skinning Extras
Get some extra features in your skins
-> Bandwidth graphs (percentage used) - can be easily modified for disk space also
Have a how-to you want listed here
To get your DirectAdmin How-to guides listed here, contact me using the link below
-> E-Mail me
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