Directadmin on Amazon EC2... what about EBS?


Verified User
Oct 8, 2008
Hi guys,

A client asked me to install Directadmin on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have never worked with EC2, but decided to give it a try.

I followed Unixy's guide and managed to get Directadmin running on my instance.

However, I don't know how to make DA work with an Elastic Block Store (EBS).

From what I read here, I should find some way to save my user's files on the EBS partition so that data won't be lost. Also, my EBS partition is larger, so it make sense.

Here's my df:

# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1              10G  2.7G  6.8G  29% /
/dev/sdb              414G  199M  393G   1% /mnt

In this guide they say that /home should not be mounted/symlinked to an EBS.

Now, is it possible to run Directadmin on this scenario?
I've run DA on EC2 with an EBS backed instance for a year now :)
Working fine as far as i can tell.

You should start an AMI that is backed by an EBS volume (here is a list of ubuntu ami's:

You can also enlarge the root volume, above images will start with a 15gb volume.
This guide describes how to do it with the commandline tools, but you could also just use the management console (web interface).

p.s. i used the same guide to install DA a year ago.