DirectAdmin on iWeb Smart Servers ?


Verified User
Dec 15, 2010

I have a smart server with iWeb datacenter and interested to move from Cpanel to DirectAdmin.

But is it possible to install DirectAdmin on iweb smart servers?

As you know, smart servers are different from normal dedicated servers and some of control panels could not be installed on these kind of servers.

Kind Regards,
Reza A
sorry for the stupid question but.. ive checked iweb website and dont see anything that say those server are different from other servers... is mine (own) opinion that directadmin would work exactly like on any other server

iWeb told me plesk can not be installed on smart servers. I asked them about DirectAdmin, and their staff said "I Don't Know about DirectAdmin".

That was the reason I asked that question.

But Now, I found that DirectAdmin could be installed on smart servers.
should i ask where did you found this information?

the only idea why they told you that i can see is cause smart server dont use windows as os in any case.. and for how i remember plesk run just on windows...

am i wrong?
