Can anyone tell me how i can get directadmin on Ubuntu 10.04 ???
root@corwin:/usr/local/directadmin# ./directadmin b200
Debug set to level 200
Unable to read config file. Cannot find the diradmin user. Make sure the diradmin user exists in your system.<br>
This error also comes up when the wrong OS is selected in the license. These binaries were compiled for: Debian 5.0<br>
Segmentation fault
Install of /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/directadmin.conf to /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf successfull
*** Unable to read directadmin.conf. Check permissions and make sure that it exists. Cannot find the diradmin user. Make sure the diradmin user exists in your system.<br>
This error also comes up when the wrong OS is selected in the license. These binaries were compiled for: Debian 5.0<br>