DirectAdmin port 2222 problems

I have see the same problem yesterday. I grep my ip address in /var/log/directadmin/security.log:

[root@s1 directadmin]# cat /var/log/directadmin/security.log | grep [my ip address]
2007:05:06-20:34:52: [my ip address] has tried to log in 10 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:34:53: [my ip address] has tried to log in 11 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:08: [my ip address] has tried to log in 12 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:09: [my ip address] has tried to log in 13 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:09: [my ip address] has tried to log in 14 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:18: [my ip address] has tried to log in 15 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:22: [my ip address] has tried to log in 16 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:23: [my ip address] has tried to log in 17 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:28: [my ip address] has tried to log in 18 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:05:06-20:35:31: [my ip address] has tried to log in 19 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:06:18-20:55:36: *** [my ip address] has tried to login with an invalid username: 'demo_user' ***
2007:06:18-20:55:43: *** [my ip address] has tried to login with an invalid username: 'demo_user' ***
2007:07:02-18:32:08: [my ip address] has tried to log in 10 times, unsuccessfully, this time into (null)'s account ***
2007:07:02-18:32:08: Adding [my ip address] to the blacklist file: /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist

[root@s1 directadmin]#

DA has blocked my ip after one wrong (?) authorization. I has delete my ip from blacklist file in DA, but I have tried again and DA not blocked me and not logging failed login in security log.


And in my log 2007:05:06 a tried login 20 times and DA not blocked me...

My Server on RedHat ES 4 + last version DA.
Rijko, you're not to specific as to the exact problem you're having.

When I click on one of your links I get to a login page.

This could be a bug. DA has blocked me after one failed login.
In the admin settings. If you still cannot get in then you will have to do via command line.
I had the same problem, in that case it was a novell proxy server which had some difficulties with directadmin, turn off the ban system and your problem should be fixed :P
i'm experiencing the same problem when squid proxy is in used.
have to login through port 80, port 2222 sometimes just doesn't work.