DirectAdmin service doesn't start.


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
I just got done reinstalling DirectAdmin after I had installed it/removed it prior due to an issue that is still happening. After I install DirectAdmin and goto http://<my IP>:2222 and try to log in the page itself doesn't even load. I first checked to make sure the firewall was open allowing port 2222 and it is. Then I checked to make sure nothing else firewall wise was inhibiting this and there wasn't.

Afterwards I loaded WebMin to get a visual look at the process list and did not see DirectAdmin there. So I went into my startup/shutdown area to start DirectAdmin and when I do it says it starts successfully but appearantly must shutdown immediately afterwards. Because there is nothing showing it running in the process list. When I have WebMin show the status of the DirectAdmin process this is the error message:

Executing /etc/rc.d/init.d/directadmin status ..
directadmin dead but pid file exists

When I tell Webmin to reload the process this is the message I get:

Executing /etc/rc.d/init.d/directadmin reload ..
Reloading DirectAdmin config file: [FAILED]

When I tell Webmin to restart DirectAdmin this is the message I get:

Executing /etc/rc.d/init.d/directadmin restart ..
Stopping DirectAdmin: [FAILED]
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

Can someone help out? I really am confused as to why it's not loading like it should. Any help is appreciated.
Log files hold the key to the universe :)


It's probably a wrong License IP, or ethernet device setting.

DirectAdmin Support said:
Log files hold the key to the universe :)


It's probably a wrong License IP, or ethernet device setting.


I'm having this same problem, here is what my log says:

2004:08:30-06:22:11: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0
2004:08:30-06:22:12: The ip of this machine does not match the ip in the license
file : <br>

how can I fix this?

edit: oops, I was doing a search and didnt realize how old this topic was. :rolleyes:
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now im getting this;

# ./directadmin start
Unable to read the license file
reason: Unable to read the contents of the license<br>

so I ran ./getlicense

and it says I dont have permission with my info :mad:
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May I suggest you contact DA Support directly...

The forums are not an official DA support venue, and I'm sure you'll get a faster response writing them.

19:45:21 (247.57 MB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key' saved [1298]

LOL, wget failed. doing a

perl -e -pi 's/wget/wget\ --no-check-certificate/' /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/

Did the trick. After that worked and DA runs. :-)
Hi forum....
I have the same problem. But I can fix it yet...

# /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [ FAILED ]
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

And I could see

# tail -f /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log
2009:09:24-00:19:21: service exim wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:19:31: service exim didn't start, re-starting it
2009:09:24-00:20:01: service directadmin wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:20:11: service directadmin didn't start, re-starting it
2009:09:24-00:20:22: service exim wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:20:32: service exim didn't start, re-starting it
2009:09:24-00:21:00: service directadmin wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:21:10: service directadmin didn't start, re-starting it
2009:09:24-00:21:21: service exim wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:21:32: service exim didn't start, re-starting it
g2009:09:24-00:22:00: service directadmin wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:22:10: service directadmin didn't start, re-starting it
2009:09:24-00:22:21: service exim wasn't running, starting it
2009:09:24-00:22:31: service exim didn't start, re-starting it

Someone knows how to fix it.

I'm testing on FreeBSD 7.1-6 RELEASE, recently installed, and I never could se the login page on my DA.

Thankyou so much.

EDuadO Mejia Vizcarra.
Lima _ PERU
Like DirectAdmin Support said, the key is in /var/log/directadmin/error.log
I solved the problem by rebooting my server. I also added "check_referer=0" in my DirectAdmin config file.