DirectAdmin service not starting after update


Verified User
Sep 25, 2008
Hi There,

It seems that I have a 'huge' problem with DirectAdmin currently.

I updated DirectAdmin using the control panel from version 1.31.5 to the latest. I got an e-mail that 'DirectAdmin has been updated'.
Right after that, I received an e-mail with 'The service 'directadmin' on server .. is currently down'.

When I tried to start the service I got this error:
Starting DirectAdmin: /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin: /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin: cannot execute binary file

It seems something went wrong after the update/compiling of the new update. I have not found a way to recompile this binairy and now i'm lost :(

I did try the latest DirectAdmin binary from a CentOS 5 machine but I get a 'Floating point exception' error.

My server is running:
CentOS v4.4

Later updated with kernel ' #4 SMP'

I hope someone can help me to find out what caused this problem / how to recompile this binary.

Thanks in advance,
Someone had this problem a few days ago, the user reported that the error occurred because the DirectAdmin licence was set to CentOS 64bit where as the system was actually 32bit. I presume you would still get this error if the situation was visa-versa.

Do you have the correct architecture set in the licence file?