directadmin style problem after install suphp


New member
Jun 29, 2012
hi ,

i install suphp and it's works good , but i have new problem ! now my directadmin skin have problem ...

you can see in this image =>


how can i solve this problem ?
It might help to save the packages one extra time to fix the missing language in your skin. Try this:

Click on "Reseller Level" and then click on "Manage User Packages", click on the package name that you use, then click on "Save" - then log in as a user and check if the problem is solved.

Edit: Also your image does not work. If you want more help, then please edit your forum post and remove that image link. Then upload a image and add as attachment to your post. The current link seems like a spam link to me, please remove it.
Last edited:

php -v

PHP 5.2.17 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jun 24 2012 23:12:46)
Actually seems isnt taking language tags, try reinstall skin and be sure to have lang set to en.

how can i reinstall directadmin default skin ?

Click on "Reseller Level" and then click on "Manage User Packages", click on the package name that you use, then click on "Save"

The problem is not resolved

Also your image does not work. If you want more help, then please edit your forum post and remove that image link. Then upload a image and add as attachment to your post. The current link seems like a spam link to me, please remove it

Unfortunately I do'nt have permission to modify my posts :(

thank you for advices
It seems you've got no PHP -CLI installed (for now it's only guess), try to make sure you've

which php

output similar to

[root@server ~]# which php

and then again

/usr/local/bin/php -v

If you have no /usr/local/bin/php or you still see

PHP 5.2.17 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jun 24 2012 23:12:46)

then you need to install PHP-CLI. Your system still needs to have PHP-CLI though you will run suPHP (PHP-CGI) with Apache.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build php d

Then try again

/usr/local/bin/php -v

to make sure you see something similar to

PHP 5.x.x (cli) (built: Jun 21 2012 18:22:53)

Thanks for answering my questions :)

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build php d
after i run these commend's , all user's site show Internal Server Error 500 , i search a lot a bout this error on this forum but i can't solve that !
after run these command , when i run php -v command , it's show that , this command not found !

but my direct admin skin problem solved , but Internal Server Error 500 is new problem :(

when i cant solve Internal Server Error 500 problem . a gain i run script to reinstall Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 + Suphp ....

now Internal Server Error 500 is solved , but skin ...
By the way, how did you do that? Did you use custombuild script?
i use this script to install Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 + Suphp
#Copyright 2010 (c)
echo -e "$GREEN*************************************************************$RESET"
echo -e "     Directadmin Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 + Suphp + Suexec Autobuild script"
echo -e "          Copyright (c) 2008-2011 "
echo -e "         Your  Directadmin Server Management Partner  "
echo -e "$GREEN*************************************************************$RESET"
echo " "
echo " "

echo "The installation will start within  10 seconds "
sleep 10
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

./build clean
echo -ne "Cleaning  for custome build   .."
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"
./build update
echo -ne "updating custome build .."
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"

mkdir -pv custom/ap2
mkdir -pv custom/suphp

echo -ne " Creating custom folder /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom " 
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"

rm -rf custom/ap2/*
rm -rf custom/suphp/*

echo -ne " Cleaning Custom Folder .. "
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"

echo -ne " Downloading configure template ... "
wget -c
mv -vf  configure.apache.conf  custom/ap2/configure.apache
wget -c
mv -vf  configure.php5.conf  custom/ap2/configure.php5
cp -vf  custom/ap2/configure.php5 custom/suphp/
wget -c
mv -vf configure.suphp.conf custom/suphp/configure.suphp
chmod 755 custom/ap2/*
chmod 755 custom/suphp/*
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"

echo -ne "Changing php5-cli to php5-cgi ..."
sed -i 's/php5_cgi=.*/php5_cgi=yes/g'   /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf
sed -i 's/php5_cli=.*/php5_cli=no/g'  /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"

echo -ne "Starting apache Build"
./build apache
echo -ne "Starting php build"
./build php 5

echo -ne " Creating /usr/local/lib/php.d .."
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/php.d
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"
echo -ne "Creating Soft links ...."
ln -sf  /usr/local/bin/php-cgi /usr/local/bin/php
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/php /usr/bin/php
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"
echo -ne "Editing /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf ..."
sed -i 's/x-httpd-php5=.*/x-httpd-php5=\"php:\/usr\/local\/bin\/php-cgi\"/g' /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"
echo -ne "Setting php.ini path .."
sed -i 's/suPHP_ConfigPath.*/suPHP_ConfigPath\  \/usr\/local\/lib\//g' /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf
echo -e "[ $GREEN done $RESET ]"
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "                               Installation Completed"
echo -e " Get Support for your Directadmin Server from $GREEN$RESET"
echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
OK, I see you should not use that script for installing suPHP.
Run this instead:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set php5_cli no
./build set php5_cgi yes
./build rewrite_confs
./build php d
./build suphp

That should fix your both issues, and install PHP-CLI and suPHP with PHP-CGI, which are supported by custombuild without any 3rd parties scripts.


OK, I see you should not use that script for installing suPHP.
Run this instead:


cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set php5_cli no
./build set php5_cgi yes
./build rewrite_confs
./build php d
./build suphp

That should fix your both issues, and install PHP-CLI and suPHP with PHP-CGI, which are supported by custombuild without any 3rd parties scripts.

hi , is run this command befor , when i run these command's skin skin is ok , just i see one error , you can see image

but all server site's show Internal Server Error 500 :(
Check domain error logs and suphp logs for understand what's wrong, usually should be a permission error or htaccess error.
